The Power of Persuasion

A Brand must be presented with precision, lucidity, potent magnetism and an unassuming flair

The Building blocks of a Brand


Stir Curiosity

Create an interest where it may otherwise have been hidden or non-existent. And leave a lasting imprint.


Said, But Not Heard

What you want to say likely is not what your audience wants to hear. Think differently and veer over to a voice that resonates.

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Own the Brand Experience

The imprint that you make and maintain is based on Brand Positioning and promotion of unique Brand Characteristics which will establish these cornerstones.

  • Authority
  • Prominence
  • Credibility
  • Relevancy
  • Value
  • Sustainability

Key Insights

Share expansively, demonstrate transparency, and grasp hold of positive and negative feedback. Be mindful of over-saturation, defensive posturing, a ‘pitchy’ or self-promoting voice, and too much wit. When you resonate with empathy, positive energy, humor and an authentic presence, you win hearts and minds.


Measure brand awareness, growth and effectiveness through response rates, reviews, customer attrition and retention, new lead generation, referrals, newsletter subscribers, and net promotor (satisfaction) scores.


A few examples of effective expression

Business Strategy




Floral Services

Hair Salon

Adventure Travel




Millennial Fashion

Plan. Prepare. Perform. Aim high!

Today’s consumers don’t follow the common practices of decades past. Their purchase path is unlike any chartered course that has come before.

Focus on innovative marketing and digital commerce that penetrates brand awareness and taps into all revenue channels. Sales strategies, brand materials and websites must be orchestrated for maximum effectiveness by intersecting creativity with tactical selling techniques.

Brand appeal is shaped by a vivacity to Be bold and remarkable
Break Out of the Status Quo

Boost and Bolster Your Brand

The digital ecosystem is overly congested with brands that push, pitch and promote with little impact. Consumers recognize and gravitate to brands that are authentic and savvy with a compelling story and an experience that amplifies value.

Here are some key considerations for building an influential and enduring brand:

  • A logo must be easy to identify, memorable, have congruence with the personality of your audience, and be effective in all applications (signage, back stamp, signature, digital ads, web banners, etc.).
  • Brand name, URL and tagline identifiers must be centered around your value proposition and competitive advantage.
  • Effective naming and messaging conventions are inspiring, potent or persuasive.
  • Build campaigns aimed at two goals – attracting attention and stirring curiosity.
  • Be lucid in your assertion of being the best without arrogantly touting your brand.
  • Enunciate the benefits of the brand through evidence of quality and value .
  • Recognize that building a brand is a process that should continually evolve and escalate.
  • Perform extensive research before expanding products / services – consider separate brand identities to prevent eroding the core characteristics and distinctiveness of the existing offering.
  • if you develop a family of brands, create concise messaging and unique campaigns that speak to the target audience for each brand – your goals are to be relevant and to resonate.
  • Instead of product line extensions or sub-brands, the power of stand alone brands is found in capturing a new market and engaging a new customer.
  • If performance is lagging, be willing to transform and revolutionize the brand. When strategies are not meeting business objectives, be bold, innovate, redefine and change course.

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