These are dynamics, components and critical requirements that a team must weigh and plan for when executing a web-based platform project. Pay close attention to essential modules, elements and features to ensure design, technical functionality, user experience, security and many other crucial facets are positioned properly in the chronological performance of an initiative.

  • Company’s Purpose and Objectives  |  Identify Stakeholders
  • Customer Needs and Goals  |  Key Deliverables  |  Project Timeline
  • Budget: Short-Term, Long-Term, Phases, and Ongoing Costs
  • Research:  Audience(s), Competitors, and Markets
  • Technology Stack | Marketing Stack  |  Microservices  |  Infrastructure  |  Network
  • Platform Solution (cloud, cloud-native, on-premise, headless, integrated, open source)
  • Platform Customization, Updates, and Scaling Options
  • Platform Pricing Model  |  Monetary Investment
  • Team Structure | Outsourced Resources (PM, consultants, off-shore etc.)
  • Team Guiding Principles, Roles & Responsibilities, Ground Rules
  • Development Team (front-end, UX, UI, back-end, full-stack)
  • Project Methodology: Agile, TDD, Scrum, Critical Path
  • Tools: Project Management | FTP | File Drive | EDI  |  Version Control
  • Testing  & Bugs | Continuous Integration | Release Pipeline
  • Documentation: Project Standards, Requirements, Processes, Tech Design, Logs
  • Environments: Development, Testing (QA), Production
  • Migrations: Costs, Resources, Timelines, Requirements
  • Wireframes  |  Prototypes (Low Fidelity and High Fidelity)  |  Mobile Layout & Elements
  • Domain | Subdomains | Favicon | Browsers and Caching
  • Mobile and Multi-Device Strategy
  • Mobile Application: Native, Hybrid, PWA, AMP
  • Servers and Hosting | CDN  |  Security Governance | Accessibility
  • Code and Design Requirements for ADA Compliance under Title II
  • File Server Root Directory & Configuration | File Paths | Partitions | Feeds
  • Requirements for User Interface (UI), Use Cases, and User Functionality
  • End User Accounts | Login and Credentials | Subscriptions and Memberships
  • Style Guide [typography, colors, tone & voice, context, formatting, data conventions]
  • Information Architecture: Menu, Structure, Labeling, Search, Icons & Symbols
  • UX | GUI | Navigation | Visual Cues | Conventions & Standard Signals
  • User Messaging | Error Notifications | Input Controls | Nav + Info Components
  • Product Categories | Product Pages | Specifications and Attributes | Product Photos
  • Filter Configurations and Placement | Sort By Features
  • Content and SEO Text | Graphics and Images | Video | Creative Elements
  • Meta and Title Tags | Head Tags | Alt Tags | 3rd Party Tags
  • Domain Structure + Alias | Canonical URL | URL Redirects | 404 Error
  • Sitemap | Schema Markup | Robots.txt  |  301 and 302 Redirects
  • Mock Ups and Page Designs  |  Spacing, Flow, and Balance
  • On-Site Search | Hierarchy | Query Autocomplete | Misspelling Tolerance
  • Handling of Exceptions, Unique Requirements and Errors
  • Data: Structure, Cleansed & Standardized, Accuracy, Integrity
  • Data Tables | Data Security + Compliance | Asset Protocols | Database Design
  • Account Set Up |  Logins & Passwords  |  Authentications
  • Upsell | Cross Sell | Recommendations | Alternatives  |  Stock – Inventory Levels
  • Coupons  |  Discount Code  |  Bundling  |   Incentives  |  Loyalty Offer
  • Analytics  |  Goals and Tracking Conversions  |  Reporting and Performance Measuring
  • Shopping Cart  |  Shipping Module | Payment Module | Fulfillment Process
  • Cart Custom Fields  |  Split Payment Method  |  Parent & Child Account Structure and Approvals
  • Shipping Quote  |  Multiple Address  |  Reseller Certification and PO # Requirement
  • Shipping Rate Model: Free, Flat, Live, Table  |  Backorders, Drop Ship and Partial Fulfillment
  • Pricing Model and Tiers  |  Unique Pricing  |  Order History, Tracking and Confirmation
  • PCI Standards  |  Taxes and Nexus Rules (States and Federal)
  • Technical Design | Code Standards and Validation
  • Inputs  |  APIs | Integrations | 3rd Party Software  |  Upgrade Processes  |  Access Controls
  • Content Management (CMS)  |  CRM and Lead Generation Tools
  • Terms & Conditions | Cookies Consent Notification | Privacy Policy
  • FAQs  |  Returns, Refunds, Delivery Information  |  Support, Live Chat, Site Assistance
  • Auto Generated Emails  | Email Subscribers  |  Form Fields
  • GDPR (handling + protecting data) | Subscriber Verification  | Opt-Out Feature
  • Social  |  Blog  |  Resources & Tutorials |  Testimonials & Reviews  |  Sharing Features
  • Site Management: Platform Console Capabilities, Features and Reporting Tools
  • Site Development, Integrations and Implementation
  • Testing [Interface, GUI Validations, Logic, Database, Speed, Cross-Browser, Responsive]
  • Security Assurance Testing: Injections, Buffer Overflow, Penetration, Vulnerabilities
  • Cross-Site Scripting, Insecure Deserialization, Data Exposures and XML Hacks
  • Security Logging, Monitoring, Network Firewalls and Access Control Updates
  • Combat and Prevention of ‘Bad’ Bots – Botnets for DDoS, Web Crawlers, Scraping, Spam, Click Fraud
  • User and Stakeholders Acceptance
  • Analytics and Marketing Programs – Insert Code Snippets
  • Submit to Search Engines for Indexing | Redirects (when applicable)  |  Go Live Plan and Launch Promotion
  • IT Plan: Backups, Network Scanning, Vulnerability, Integrity, Log Reviews, Virus Detection
  • Site Manager: Authentication System, Launch Procedure and Monitoring
  • Marketing and Communication of New or Upgraded Website
  • Post Go-Live Maintenance Program |  Monitoring and Alerts Plan

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